ICAO AIM Data Catalogue

All properties and sub-properties of :

ASRN edge

Number of rows: 7
Property Sub-Property ID Type Description Note Reference Accuracy Integrity Origin type Pub. Resolution Chart Resolution
idnetwrk540TextLogical name comprised of a delimited list of names for one or more features associated with this ASRN featureAMDB
direc541TextDirectionality of corresponding feature instance, which can be one-way or two-wayAMDB
node1ref542TextThe idnumber of the ASRN Node corresponding to the start point of the edge geometryAMDB
node2ref543TextThe idnumber of the ASRN Node corresponding to the end point of the edge geometryAMDB
edgetype544TextType of edgeAMDB
edgederv545TextDerivation method of edge geometryAMDB
Geometry546LineGeographical location of the ASRN edgeAMDB
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