ICAO AIM Data Catalogue

All properties and sub-properties of :


Number of rows: 26
Property Sub-Property ID Type Description Note Reference Accuracy Integrity Origin type Pub. Resolution Chart Resolution
ThresholdElevation236ElevationElevation of the FATO thresholdFATO threshold, for heliports with or without a PinS approach \nFATO threshold, for heliports intended to be operated in accordance with ICAO Annex 14, Appendix 2AIP AD 2.16; Annex 4 13.6.1; Annex 14 II App 1 Table A1-10.5 m 0.25 messential \ncriticalsurveyed \nsurveyed1 m or 1 ft 1 m or 1 ft (non-precision), 0.1 m or 0.1 ft (precision)
Position235PointGeographical location of FATO thresholdAIP AD 2.16; Annex 4 13.6.1; Annex 14 II App 1 Table A1-11 mcriticalsurveyed1/100 sec1 sec
Geoid undulation237HeightWGS-84 Geoid undulation at FATO threshold positionWGS–84 geoid undulation at FATO threshold, TLOF geometric centre, for heliports with or without a PinS approach \nWGS–84 geoid undulation at FATO threshold, TLOF geometric centre, for heliports intended to be operated in accordance with ICAO Annex 14, Appendix 2AIP AD 2.16; Annex 4 13.6.1; Annex 14 II App 1 Table A1-10.5 m 0.25 messential \ncriticalsurveyed \nsurveyed1 m or 1 ft 1 m or 1 ft (non precision), 0.1 m or 0.1 ft (precision)
Departure end of runwayElevation239ElevationThe elevation of the DER is the higher of the elevations of the beginning and end of the runway/FATO.Doc 8168 II I.
Position238PointGeographical location of DERAIP AD 2.12.5; Doc 8168 II I. mcriticalsurveyed1/100 sec1 sec
Type207TextType of FATO according to ICAO Heliport Manual (Doc 9261)Annex 14 II 2.4 c)
Designation208TextThe full textual designator of the landing and take-off area.Annex 14 II 2.4 c), AMDB
Length209DistanceThe longitudinal extent of FATOAIP AD 2.16.3; Annex 4 13.6.2 c); Annex 14 II App 1 Table A1-51 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 m
Width210DistanceThe transversal extent of FATOAIP AD 2.16.3; Annex 4 13.6.2 c); Annex 14 II 2.4 c)
Geometry211PolygonGeographical location of FATO elementAnnex 4 4.9.1 l) 13.6.2 c); AMDB
Slope212ValueThe slope of FATOAIP AD 2.16.7; Annex 4 13.6.2 c); Annex 14 II 2.4 c)
Surface type213TextThe surface type of FATOAIP AD 2.16.3; Annex 4 13.6.2 c); AMDB
True bearing214BearingThe true bearing of the FATOAIP AD 2.16.4;Annex 4 13.6.2 c); Annex 14 II App 1 Table A1-41/100 degroutinesurveyed1/100 degree
Declared distancesRTODAH241DistanceRejected Take-off distance available - The length of the FATO declared available and suitable for\nhelicopters operated in performance class 1 to complete a rejected take-off.AIP AD 3.13; Annex 14 II 2.51 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft
LDAH242DistanceLanding distance available - The length of the FATO plus any additional area declared available and\nsuitable for helicopters to complete the landing manoeuvre from a defined height.AIP AD 3.13; Annex 14 II 2.5 1 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft
Remarks243TextRemarks including entry or start point where alternative reduced declared distances have been declaredAIP AD 3.13
TODAH240DistanceTake-off distance available - The length of the FATO plus the length of helicopter clearway (if provided)and if applicable, alternative reduced declared distances;AIP AD 3.13; Annex 14 II 2.51 mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft
FATO markingDescription244TextDescription of FATO markingsAIP AD 2.16.3; Annex 4 13.6.2 g)
Approach lighting system Position248PointGeographical location of each individual light of the approach lighting systemAMDB
Length246DistanceThe longitudinal extent of approach lighting system.AIP AD 2.16.6 / 3.14.3
Intensity247TextA code indicating the relative intensity of the lighting system.AIP AD 2.16.6 / 3.14.3
Type245TextClassification of the approach lighting system using as criteria the ICAO Annex 14 standardsAIP AD 2.16.6 / 3.14.3
Area lightsPosition250PointGeographical location of each individual light of the area lightsAMDB
Description249TextCharacteristics of area lightsAIP AD 2.16.6 / 3.14.3
Aiming point lightsPosition252PointGeographical location of each individual light of the aiming point lightsAMDB
Description251TextCharacteristics of aiming point lightsAIP AD 3.14.4
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